Good Morning! Several have contacted me asking when this pattern would be available for purchase. The time has come and it can be found on my web site.
We have been sleeping with our windows open, because the nights are cooling down so nicely. Well, this morning I was awakened to quite a commotion. A squirrel was duking it out with the quail. We have a large pine tree and it is the home and shelter of many quail. As I observed, Mr Squirrel wanted up into that pine tree, and the quail said nothing doing buster! So both sides carried on quite vehemently and finally the squirrel caved in as he was out numbered, but not without valiant effort. Nature put on quite a show!!!
"Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the lovliest flowers of the soul". unknown. This quote came to mind because the days are getting shorter and the farmer's market is giving evidence of the farmers labor. I'm still enjoying those peaches, and the corn, tomatoes, green beans and the list goes on and on......Hope your day is a fantastic one!
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