Take Time to Smell the Flowers....is the name of my new design which will be made into a pillow. It seems to me that his little pink nose is sniffing the fragrance of the flowers.
Here is an example of the pin keep I made for gifts at Christmas.....below is the pin keep my friend Sandi made using mine as inspiration....she was truly inspired wasn't she. Now I'm the one who is inspired! I love her assortment of stitches.
Now, I'm back at the quilting retreat, and here is a beauty which Patti has spread out on her bed. It is near completion. This is from a class Leslie taught last year at this same retreat. Really love the red she has used, but I am partial to red....I love the warmth it radiates.
Village Dry Goods was one of the vender's at the retreat. They are located in Brigham City. They have a brand new, very lovey store. They expanded into the area which became available to them next door. The store is warm and inviting and they have a marvelous selection of everything a quilter needs.......notice my selection of words...NEEDS!
Here are just a few of the quilts they brought with them. They have a marvelous assortment of felted and hand dyed wools. It is worth a visit, plus the town is just so quaint....and in the fruit season, it is truly a must......Brigham City peaches are sensational!
I'll sign off with a few thoughts on Abraham Lincoln. I have several books about him, and one of my favorites is, A Lincoln, In His Own Words...by Milton Meltzer. Meltzer, in his prologue writes, "Abraham Lincoln's name is magic. Many Americans, young and old, cherish an image of the man. His name is everywhere: on street and city, park and playground, school and university, museum and monument and art center". I believe he is our most revered President. I believe the ending to the second inaugural address illustrated the heart of this truly great man. "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan; to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace, among ourselves and with all nations".
"It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels he is worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him". -Abraham Lincoln
Darling pincushions! I love Village Dry Goods - our rug hooking group meets there every month and it's such a treat to wander around to the store to see all their treasures!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful new design Norma:) The bunny is just adorable.