Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I think I was deceived....

Yesterday I was admiring my primrose that are up and starting to bloom, and today we woke up to a covering of snow.  My goodness, it was 58 degrees yesterday.......what is this about?  It's spring in Utah.....that's the way it often is.  For some reason I thought this year was going to be different....I guess I'm delusional.
I apologize for the quality of these photos, but I was in all kinds of contortions trying to take them.....by now you've come to the conclusion that this is not my forte'.

I do like birds and houses.  You no doubt have come to that conclusion by now.  I do love this house set on a hill.

"Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark".

Every hand is meant to hold another hand. This block originated, when one day while making my nursing rounds in my car and  listening to the radio.....the Beatles came on with...."I want to hold your hand."  I've since wished that I had made two different colored hands to symbolize the need to reach out in understanding and friendship to those that are not just like us.

Sweet love in the Spring.....
And of course my pride and joy....my children.  They are Benjamin, Katrina and Abigail.  I have a fun story to share about this block.  I was in a quilt store in Ohio, when I spotted this pattern.  I pointed out to the lady of the shop, that this fine looking young man who was with me, was the same fellow on the quilt block.  What fun that was.

Bless Our Marriage...Home established in 5-28-73.  
What a fine looking couple we are....:-)

And...By my hand 2011.   Sweet and simple is a cherished possession that tells a bit of my story. Barring some disaster.....this quilt will outlive me, and so it will be part of my legacy.
If you should decide to make this quilt, find ways to personalize it and make it representative of your life.  Everybody has a story to tell, and our quilts can be the medium in which we record our story.
"Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things in which smiles and kindnesses, and small obligations given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort".
-Sir Humphrey Davy
And by the way, it is still snowing! Time to get a pot of soup simmering on the stove.


  1. What a wonderful post about how you come up with the blocks! I agree that this quilt should tell each one's story.

  2. Thank you for showing more close ups of the blocks. I would love to make this someday. I love the designs. Enjoy that snow... if you could transport some of it to
    California, we would be so appreciative :-)

    1. Loris...first of all thank you for your kind comments. I've been thinking about you folks in California.......and hoping for many gentle rains.

  3. Glad I landed here - I love your work! All those pieces are just so pretty and have a warmth about them. I think it's the colours you choose. Beautiful. Love your quotes too! xCathy

    1. Cathy, I'm glad you landed here to. Thank you for your kind comments.

  4. I was shocked to wake up to snow this morning too!
