Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Thanksgiving feast planning....

We are hosting Thanksgiving this year at our home.  Family is coming from far and wide, so that we might share this special holiday together.  It just happens that Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday in our immediate family, so we are thrilled to be sharing it with extended family as well.  My daughters and I have been discussing the menu, and how we can each contribute......we are beginning the anticipation.  :-)

Today I will culminate the house tour.  A tied rope bed, with the tool to tighten the ropes.

Some of you have wrote that you've enjoyed the hooked rugs.......me too!  It makes me wish that I was a hooker.  But alas, not enough hours in the day, and some days so happy that there are not more hours.

I love this utility looking log cabin.......I'd like to reproduce it.

Here is a sampler from 1869.

There were several fantastic lighting fixture throughout the home.

Yes, someone actually lives here.

In fact the house keeper was there cleaning.

Now I invite you into the shop itself.

Let the wool begin!

Of course we purchased wool, how could we not.

There had to a sheep at Wheaten Woolens.

Beth was holding an upcoming class in making these trees from wool.  I would have loved attending.

Many of you have been posting messages, and I've loved hearing from you.  My I-pad receives the messages, and for some reason it has some quirky thing going on where it will not allow me to send mail. :-(  So it is time to make another trip to the apple store.

"It is not beauty that endears, it's love that makes us see beauty."
Leo Tolstoy


  1. Thank you for such a wonderful "home tour".... lovely things to look at everywhere 😊

  2. Would be dead broke leaving that store!
    Love the wool tree. : )

  3. I'm so glad that you were able to visit Wheaten Woolens and the Smiley's home! And I'm really glad that you were able to meet Beth Anne and her husband - two very special people! I've only visited once, but can't wait to get back!
    Blessings, Patti

  4. Beautiful home (makes me want to live there) and all those beautiful hooked rugs and woolens
