Friday, December 22, 2017

Winter Wonderland.....

....let's try again.  The person who's name was selected for this pattern forgot to include her address, and has not responded with it.  So this free pattern will be given away again tomorrow.  And speaking of Winter Wonderland, this finished quilt was sent to me today.

Janice Grygla, sent me this picture today, commenting that it her favorite quilt which she has made.  Thank you Janice for sharing this with us! :-)

Embroidered Quilt from 1710 - 1730.  This was an exquisite piece, and as you can see , very fragile in places.  So discussing this with Mister Bruce, he brings up a good point, when was the needle that would be used for this fine stitching invented.  And how about all of the various shade of thread.  It is all rather mind boggling to me.  But I know these women had the desire to create beautiful things just as we do today.

Now this is an intriguing quilt.....mad entirely from buttons, attached to cloth.  Not very conducive to napping.

Sweetheart Friendship quilt, created by Mary Elizabeth Shelty.

Julie and I met these two awesome women at the retreat sponsored by Blackberry Primitives this past Oct.  Vicki is on the left, and Lana on the right.  I know if we lived closer, we could be stitching buddies.  I am looking forward to the next retreat.

I was pleased to meet Maggie Bononimi for the first time.  I have admired her work for years.  She is the first designer who ignited the desire to work with wool.

I do not remember who the creator of this gorgeous sewing pouch was, just that it was absolutely beautiful!  I most likely will never make this, but that doesn't mean I'm not inspired by just looking at it.

I wish all of you a joyful Christmas.