Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Give Away!

We had a wonderful market!  It was great to reconnect with old friends, and to become acquainted with new ones.  It was especially fun for me to reconnect with my Minnesota roots.

I plan on having a second Saturday GIVE AWAY starting in June.  Stay in touch for details as we figure everything out.  Our first prize will be the pattern for the Spring Time Rabbit.  Many shopper
s at market stopped to comment on his cuteness.


  1. I just found your blog and I love your patterns. I have to agree with the many shoppers - that rabbit it very cute! What did you use as the background?

  2. I am so glad I "found" you again. I loved your designs under Geoffs Mom and was very happy to find you under Timeless Traditions (gotta love those many pictures posted of Portland's International Quilt Festival and the picture of your new name and booth!!)

  3. Very cute flellow, trying to hide under a spring tulip
