Thursday, April 3, 2014

Snow on the primroses

"April is a promise that May is bound to keep".  -Hal Borland
I'm clinging to this quote today!  Spring coming has been a real teaser......we've had crazy weather, one minute the sun is shining and the next it is either rain or snow.  A reminder that Mother Nature is in charge.
My table runner came back from the quilter's yesterday, and it is bound and ready to go....nearly.  The pattern still needs to be written.

Here are a couple of close ups.  The quilting just finishes it.

I think I will simply call it Liberty, unless some tremendous rush of inspiration comes up with something different..
At this moment the sun has come out and the day appears to be promising.  The birds under my bird tree out my window seem to be singing with the sheer joy of it all!  They are being hopeful and so am I.
"The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also".    -Harriet Ann Jacobs
I hope the sun is shining in your neighborhood!  :-))


  1. Lovely design! We have sun here on the west coast which we are enjoying along with the sweet memory of some really good rain this week :-)

    1. S happy to hear about the rain...did you feel the earthquake or are you not in that area of the west coast...

  2. Nice design. I like that it has the birds and also the words "Liberty".

  3. I really love your new runner! Each year I like to make something new for each holiday. This is perfect for my 4th of July collection. Hope to see a pattern soon or maybe a kit?? Just wanted you to know that I live in Central Minnesota and we have a snow storm with 6-12 inches of snow coming! Thought you might related to that.:)

    1. Thank you.....yes, I heard about the snow in Minnesota, and yes I can relate. I was caught once in a blizzard in April, while heading back to college in Iowa. We were fortunate to be near an exit and a place of safety.

  4. Your Liberty table runner is just gorgeous! One of the best Americana table runner patterns I've seen!

  5. Love this! Can't wait for the pattern to come out!!

    1. It will probably be available next week. I'm pleased that so many people like it.

  6. Love, love, love your Liberty table topper. The colors and fabrics you used are just perfect.
