Tuesday, December 18, 2018

More Diamond Textiles .........

……..to be gifted to the first responder who includes their mailing address.  Today's little charm pack was sent to Valerie Reynolds. 

Tomorrow I will try to remember to take a picture of a little table topper I made with some of these.

So, I had a bit of time to stitch today, so I've completed the first 2 6" potholder blocks for this new project.  The bindings when placed together form a type of border separating the blocks.  Ideally the quilt should finish itself as I go along and slip stitch the blocks together on the back side.  I plan on using quilting thread for durability.  It is such a joy when hand quilting something small like this.

This is a sample of what the back will be like...….a patchwork back of sorts.

"Nature is full of genius, full of divinity:  so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand." - Rebecca Nichols Alonzo


  1. Norma,

    If I won yesterday, please disregard this. Let some other lucky person have it. Not that I wouldn't want one. I just wanted to wish you Merry Christmas and to thank you for all the nice things you do for quilters.

    If I didn't win my address is:

    Shelia Burns
    705 Circle Dr.
    Marlinton, WV 24954

  2. Thanks for the opportunity to win some pretty fabric. Zollj@bpsnetworks.com

  3. Good morning!! 1010 NE Banner St. Lee's Summit MO 64086

  4. Beautiful bird picture with quote. Your pot holders are beautiful in and of themselves. I'll bet they'll be gorgeous stitched up together too.

  5. Norma bonitos bloques.
    Me encanta como se ve la parte trasera
