Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Show and Tell continues......

Good Morning!
I forgot to display this picture of the darling Tessie quilt yesterday, with the Under the Garden Moon designs.  It is so charming and brings a smile to my face when I see it.

Leslie Ison and I did a trunk show while at the retreat.  We are great friends and used to have a pattern company together many moons ago.  The company was called Remember When.  We had a peaceful see, Leslie is the fortunate grandmother of several and found her self too busy attending all of their she had a very involved church calling.  We cherish the good memories from the Remember When days. 
Shown here is a quilt she made recently.  It was a request of one of her daughter-in-laws.....I love the stark contrast, and the fact that it is hand quilted.  This quilt has a contemporary look, but I think it would also look great in just about any setting.

The quilt holders at the front of a large room, decided it would be best to stand on chairs so that everyone could see the quilts.....that was an interesting adventure in itself.  This is another of Leslie's wonderful quilts......the different black values and the contrast in backgrounds makes a very lovely is one of my favorites.

This retreat has it all.....we even have a potter who has come the past 2 years with his adorable wife.  It is one of the highlights of the week.  Ben Behunin is his name and his company name is Wild Rooster Artworks.  Above is a bowl I purchased.  I'm a lover of well written words so of course this extraordinary piece of art was calling my name.  I will share the words beautifully inscribed on the bowl. 
"I expect to pass through this life but once.  If therefore there be any kindness I can show or any good deed I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again".  -Quaker Proverb
I purchased the large bowl last year at the retreat, and this year at Christmas I purchased this small bowl while shopping at his studio. 
Today is the day
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year".   -Emerson
Ben and his wife open their remarkable home the 3 week-end before Christmas and at Mother's Day.  It is a must see event.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing Leslie's beautiful quilts - I've been a fan of hers for 20+ years! I plan on attending Ben's Open House before Mother's Day and I'm looking forward to it!
