Monday, March 31, 2014

Days For Girls.....

Good Morning.....I want to share a do good project with you, your quilt group, your church group,  you get the drift, your help would be appreciated.  We were introduced to this project at the quilt retreat, and it touched my heart.
Days for Girls International is a grassroots non-profit creating a more dignified, human and sustainable world for girls through advocacy, reproduction health awareness, education and sustainable feminine hygiene, because no girl should go without.

Presently when these girls have their period, they can not go to school, so they are missing 1 week of school per month, which causes them to get far behind with their learning, which leads to them not going to school at all.
They miss school, because they have nothing to use while they have their periods.....presently they are using corn husks, or small bags of sand.  How sad is that?
What can you do with 1 1/4 yards of fabric?
Caring and Concerned women throughout the United States are trying to help change this the retreat we were given a kit to sew which will be part of the supplies that will be placed in a pretty draw string bag with a few other basic essential and given to the girls.  Ann Lewis had just returned from delivering the bags with needed supplies to the girls in a part of should have seen the happy smiles on their faces.

The idea is to keep these girls attending school and to show them that their are women in this country who care about them.  Take time to check out the web site.  Amy at American Quilting is a generous supporter of this project.
On another note, it snowed here yesterday.  I believe that lower down in the Salt Lake Valley it rained, but we have about an inch in our yard.  However, the skies are clear today and the sun will be shining.  I'm looking out my window at my bird tree, and there are a bunch of birds eating.  We put grain and seed on the ground for the quail and doves.  A few other small birds are their also....makes me happy!
I want to share a few lines from a novel I am reading......"Beauty is not caused.  It is."   -Emily Dickenson......."When beauty exists, it exists.  It doesn't need artificial enhancers.  Life enhances it.  Time enhances it.  The kind of beauty that comes from within lasts forever."  Something good to ponder.
Have a happy hearted day!  :-)))


  1. What a timely post! I recently attended a one hour workshop here in BC where myself and 15 other women sewed together almost 100 pads! It was incredibly rewarding to take the time helping out our sisters with something that we take for granted every day! I urge all sewers and quilters to get involved! Thank you for posting about this wonderful cause.

  2. Thanks for posting this, Norma. If anyone out there is interested, please contact me at I'm in Orem and I can help you get started or help you organize an event with your friends. We NEED your help! Thanks very much!

  3. Thanks very much for posting this, Norma. It's such an excellent cause. If any of you would like to help or organize an event with your friends, please contact me at I'm happy to help! Getting involved with this will make you HAPPY!
