Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wind and then a gentle rain...

After the rain, the Robins are out pulling worms from the softened earth....I just love watching them tip back their heads and pulling out a worm.  There is nothing like Spring.  In a letter from Byron Caldwell Smith to Kate Stephens, he wrote the following, "Our Spring has come at last with the soft laughter of April suns and the shadow of April showers".  And another time he wrote, "The sun has come out and the air is vivid with spring light".  When I discovered these words, I simply had to write them down they were so poetic and beautifully written......and the spring morning here is so fresh and clean, I decided to share them with you.
Moving on.....My trusty quilt holder did his best on this one...

It's rather large, so it was a bit of a challenge.  I believe Jan Patek is the designer of this was from an older book, and I made it many moons ago.  I've been rotating my quilts and decided to bring this one out for a while.

It will be hanging out on this bench in my kitchen area for the time being......and till I decide it's time for another.
I came face to face with a side walk at a friends house yesterday.  There was an uneven place on the sidewalk and being the graceful person that I am......I went flying and took quite a spill.  All I can say is that this old  gray mare ain't what she used to be.  I'm moving kind of slow today, having discovered muscles I didn't know existed.  I did manage to work on the Liberty table runner kits yesterday......but not very fast or efficiently.  I hope to get them completed today, with the help of a little Advil and periodic ice packs and a rest or two.
"Learn to love without conditions.  Talk without bad intention.  Give without any reason.  And most of all, care for people without and expectation".     -unknown   


  1. Hope you continue to heal well! Love both of the quotes today; they will be written in my book as well. I noticed the pillow on your kitchen bench. Is it one of your patterns?

  2. I hope you are feeling better soon--falling is so terrifying! Thankfully, it sounds like you didn't break any bones.Take care!

    1. Actually, I'm just one aching machine!!!!! I've been icing my knee and taking Advil and napping...see you soon in Pittsburgh.

  3. That's a beautiful sunshiny quilt.

  4. I hope you get to feeling like yourself again SOON! Quilters don't have time to be down for long. Love your quilt and the "Live in the Sunshine" pillow.

  5. Thank you...I'm not down, but definitely much slower!
