Tuesday, February 26, 2019

There all sorts of indications........

……….that Spring is just around the corner.  The sun was out today, and the snow is melting.  :-)  For some reason, this winter has been less welcomed by me.  Usually, I do not mind winter, but I've been extra cold this winter.

To celebrate the upcoming season, the Spring Banner has been completed and will be available before the week comes to a close.

I have just completed making kits for Field of Flowers.  I will be teaching it at an upcoming event in St George, Utah.  They are beautiful kits, just the kind of kit I'd love to receive.  I have made a few extra if anyone is interested.

I received more gorgeous fabrics from Diamond Textiles.  I am visualizing something for my daughters tables.  I'm discovering that I can elevate my heart rate without exercising!  I just need to open a box of fabric from Rohni at Diamond Textiles.

These fabrics literally caused me to swoon!  

And these, the same reaction!

Some of you may remember me wanting a new chair.  Well, here it is.  It came in a box and was delivered on my porch.  Assembly was required!  No written directions, just a lot of illustrations.  This type of thing is not easy for Bruce, and I aimed to be his interpreter of the directions.  After much frustrations, speaking in other languages, we finally put it together.  I went to sit in it, and my feet did not touch the floor.  We had the rockers on backwards.  It was an easy fix.  I love how this quilt looks over the back of the chair.

Here is a picture with the rockers on backwards!

I have some more quilts to share with you from the Cedar City retreat.

There are more beautiful quilts by Sandy Crabtree.  My, is she ever prolific.

This adorable wool wall hanging or runner was hanging over the silent auction.

Speaking of Spring, the gardening quilt certainly sings Spring!

Enjoyed these wonky houses..... so cute.

I fell in love with Joyce's Hunter Star.  So traditional and beautiful.

"Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than before." - James Buckham


  1. Hi Norma, it's Lissa in Cedar City. For some reason my computer is not letting me comment unless it is anonymous. Field of Flowers just brightened my morning, it is one of my favorites. I fully intend to tackle it in cotton applique someday. And that diamond textiles fabric is glorious! I was able to deliver the patterns to 4 Ever Quilting. They were greatly appreciated. So lovely to follow your blog!

  2. Thank you for sharing some of my quilts this past couple of weeks. Made my heart sing. Love your new spring quilt too�� Thanks again
    Sandi Crabtree

  3. Love all your quilts. And I got a chuckle out of the rockers on backwards ! …. beautiful chair.

  4. Beautiful quilts here, but I have to admit that the chair stopped me in my tracks. Been looking for something like that. Did you find it in SLC? Pretty funny about the rockers. :)
