Thursday, February 13, 2014

Quilters Gathered

That is what we like to do, isn't it?  Once a month we come together at Elaine's Quilt Block to admire what we've accomplished over the past month, and of course to shop.  Ione, the shop owner gives us a discount that that's a no brainer, we shop!  But most of all we are inspired by each other's creativity, and our hearts are warmed by each others friendship......It's quite a good thing.
Above is Debra's beautiful creation......It is a take on my pillow design.  She has expanded it a bit and is making it in to a wall hanging.  Debra is very artistic and does lovely work.

Here is our new member to our quilt group.  Beth brought her little dog named adorable with her little pink sweater.  What a sweetheart she is....she sat on her mom's lap and didn't say a word!  I believe she was just overwhelmed  at all of us ladies.  Below is her little blanket, complete with crocheted  pink trim......just right for her to snuggle with.

Liz and Jennifer are very clever and resourceful gals.......I think its genius!  They are making the Courthouse Steps quilt pictured below out of 1inch strips.  To keep their assortment separated they stand up a large box and store their strips over the side.  Then they keep it right by where they are sewing and can easily see which strip to collect next.  And also it is portable...they just fold the box shut and take it with them to each others house to sew.  This will be an awesome quilt when finished.  They have been making the blocks over the past year, and now have them all made and are sewing them together.  There was much, much, more and I will share again tomorrow, and who knows maybe the next day too.  :-)  And then I have an abundance of good things to share from the retreat.  Plus I'm making a new pillow just in time for rabbit season!

It is one of those wonderfully rainy days here in S.L.C.  The weather seems to be all mixed up....rain here and snow in Atlanta, Georgia.......I presume that is called climate change.  Anyway, we are grateful for the moisture, and I enjoy a rainy day so it's all good in this neighborhood!
"If you love someone tell them, because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken".   -Love This

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