Thursday, October 18, 2018

I've been reliving good times......

…….through these photos.  I have learned from my home health nursing with the elderly, that the most important possession we are left with, are good and precious memories.

I'm imagining soft yellow walls and this quilt on the bed.  Pristine white curtains at the windows and a soft summer breeze causing them to move ever so gently!!  Quite an imagination, eh?

From a past era....

This is not a quilt, but rather a vintage table cloth.  In my minds eye, I can imagine a quilt pattern.

And, we're back to my love affair with hats!  No cooties yet! :-)
Oh, to live where and when one did not leave the house without the appropriate hat! And gloves of course.

Using up scraps, and tying it all together with the common blue dot.

Thirties sensation.


Wild and wonderful!

Food for thought...….

Yes, indeed!

I fell for this green, especially when used with the navy.  The pattern drew me in also.

"Life is great and a wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is what is right here right now.  Don't miss it. -Leo Bascaglia 

P.S.  My daughter Katrina will look into my eyes and say,  "momma, don't miss the dance!"

1 comment:

  1. Love that green & navy too. I've got an old magazine that I've saved just because there is a green & navy quilt on the cover and I love it! So inspirational and it makes me happy!!!
